Press Release

Shocking Public Killing of Somali Region MP Juweria Subcisat

H.A.J.E’s Press Release: Shocking Public Killing of Somali Region Member of Parliament Juweria Subcis at the hands of Ethiopian Federal Police Security Officer at Jigjiga Airport. Date: 30-Oct 2022

The Harari Alliance for Justice & Equality (HAJE) would like to extend our deepest condolence to the family of our dear sister Juweria Subcis as well as make dua for the fast recovery to all those injured during the incident.

Inna Lillahi wa Inna Illayhi Raaji-oon.  Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall be the final return. On Tuesday, 25th of October it was with unbelievable shock that the world learned of the brutal and public killing of Juweria Subcis, 26, a member of the Somali regional state parliament, who was shot and killed by a member of The Federal Police Officer inside the supposedly secured Jigjiga Airport. Juweria died immediately due to her injuries. The shooting left three others including her sister, Ayan Subics, and a regional cabinet member, Abdirashid Mohammed severely injured. 

It is reported that Juweira was at the airport to receive a member of her family, and this senseless killing of a young and promising elected representative is beyond comprehension.  The barbaric way by which she was killed at the hands of the Federal Police that is tasked with upholding and keeping the peace in the city of Jigjiga is tragic to say the least.  HAJE urges a full, speedy and transparent investigation into this incident, and prosecution of those found guilty to the full extent of the law.

In addition to her duties as an elected member of parliament, Juweria was also the CEO of Ogaden Welfare Society, a non-governmental organization engaged in providing relief support to the needy.  Juweria Subcis is survived by her two children.