Press Release

People with blind obedience to Authority will never be free.

People with blind obedience to Authority will never be free
The good, the bad and the ugly at the 25th HSCF
HAJE Press ReleaseJuly 8, 2023

Hararis in Diaspora and back home observed with utter dismay this past week at the HSCF event in Toronto Canada, and how we became enslaved to authority. An authority that deprived our people in Harar their basic democratic rights, safety, security and more so their very existence as society. Despite this existential threat hovering over our people’s head, the jubilant Harari Torontonians were determined to make it peaceful, welcoming Hararis from all over the world and did what they do best.

HSCF is a true Harari Institution that began back in 1995 in Atlanta, Georgia. Thanks to the founding fathers of this event that has celebrated its 25th year anniversary and counting.  In the dead heat of July, the Harari Community in Toronto fed the crowd, entertained guests but most importantly left memorable moments especially on children and young adults.  However, the fact remains that the last seven days of festival in Toronto is something to think about while our homeland is in dire need to voice their suffering and their thorny political issues. One of the platforms to address these issues was the Townhall meeting that Harari Alliance for Justice and Equality (HAJE) has been preparing to host. HAJE, a political Advocacy Group which was supposed to host the meeting was disrupted and sidelined by the organizing committee on the eve of the event.

The missed opportunity

HAJE planned to host the townhall meeting and was making preparation for the last 4 Months to address the burning issues in Harar and the crisis our people are facing. We had invited distinguished Hararis and friends of Hararis to speak on issues that are dear to all of us. We had planned every minute of the event to the last detail to give as much information about the deep level of crisis we Hararis found ourselves in, and an opportunity for our Harari people who would attend in person or virtually via zoom to voice their opinions. We believe, we Hararis in and outside of Ethiopia could have benefited immensely if we had conducted our event according to our plan. But it was not meant to be. We hope we will have another opportunity to address issues that affect our community in due time.

The Good.
During the entire week, friends and families mingled and introduced with each other. People who did not meet for decades spent precious time. Long detached families had a chance to introduce their children to each other. Societal bondage nurtured. This gathering strengthened the sense of community building and connection.   Our youth learned about their heritage and culture. The typical colorful Harari cultural dress was displayed abundantly.  Hararis enjoyed authentic Harari food such as Hulbet Marakh, Waqalim, Faxira and Haris and of course Harari music added a lot of color to the festivities.

The Bad
It’s observed that this year, most of the participants were young adults. The youth are the future and if we don’t think seriously about their attachment to their homeland, then the future of Hararis will be in peril. The question is, have we done enough to address this legitimate question during the week-long event? Just to mention a few, what was the theme or main takeaway message from this largest gathering of Hararis? what more could have been done on the 25th event of HSCF? Despite this age groups’ joy and happiness to meet their friends and families at the basketball court and soccer field, was there a missed opportunity in the middle of all this celebratory atmosphere? Were they more aware of the crisis in Harar? the answer is obviously NO!

The Ugly
It was observed that our attitude of being enslaved to blind obedience to authority as a society and how deep this troubling behaviour has become. Blind obedience to authority is the tendency of people to try to please or obey blindly those in charge. People tend to respect and follow those whom they perceive to have legitimate authority. As Hararis, we acquired this habit since the establishment of our puppet Harari government back in 1991.  Because of our social, economic, and political problems, Hararis still face existential threats. One must wonder why we are acting this way when the reality in Harar tells us otherwise.

In Conclusion, Harari Alliance for Justice, and Equality (HAJE) will always strive to enlighten our society on issues that directly affects them. HAJE is a political advocacy group that stands to defend Harar and Harari interests on social, economic, and political matters.


Below please find our position statement on the crisis of Harar.

This is a position paper that was prepared by Harari Alliance for Justice and Equality (HAJE) to be adopted at the conclusion of the planned Townhall event during the 25th anniversary of the Harari Sports and Cultural Festival (HSCF).

The townhall event was supposed to be prepared and hosted by HAJE, but due the interreference and lack of cooperation of the organizing committee, HAJE decided to cancel the event and gave it back to the organizers of HSCF on July 04,2023. But HAJE would like to present the position paper as outlined hereunder.

The position paper focuses on the crisis in Harar and takes a stand on the burning issues confronting the Harari society in Harar.
1. It is HAJE’s firm belief that at the present time there is no organization that represents and fights for the interests of Hararis in Harar. But we would like to strongly remind those who are sitting in leadership position in Harar to follow their oath of office and serve the interests of Hararis, to fight night and day for Harari causes, to defend and support Hararis in their day to day struggle, and remember that the promises that they made to the Harari people is also a promise they made to Allah, and Allah will be the arbiter of everyone’s behavior come judgment day.

2. There are hundreds of Hararis who have lost their farms and dwellings illegally in Harar since the emergence of the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) and we ask those who are in power to do their legal obligation and return those properties to their rightful owners. We also demand that those Hararis who have faced hardships fighting the injustices they faced all during these times should be properly compensated.

3. Harari historical schools and mosques have suffered immensely during the last three decades and they are now found in a state of utter disrepair. These are the basic duties of those in power to repair and properly maintain these heritages. A prominent establishment, Aw Abdal School and Masjid is a case in point. This establishment was founded fifty years ago and was totally funded by Hararis from beginning to end. Today, most of the property was illegally confiscated by others and the school was beyond repair. Since it is the duty of those in power to uphold the law, we ask to do their job and return Aw Abdal to its rightful Harari ownership and repair both the school and mosque and bring it up to date.

4. The history of the greatness of Harar is well documented. The Harari state enjoyed a well-established economy, astute political leadership, a well endowed culture, a prominent place in the annals of Ethiopian and world history. It is the duty of those in power in the Harari state to emulate this greatness of Harar and Hararis and prepare the community to organize and fight for their rights, to make aware Hararis for the challenges waiting them and to make Hararis feel proud of their identity and fight to preserve it. Hararis deserve to feel Harar is theirs and they truly belong there.

5. One of the saddest realities in Harar is youth unemployment which is at an all time high. The duty of creating productive and meaningful employment for all Hararis is the duty of those in power. Providing proper training, creating programs to enrich the self-worth and self esteem of Hararis in general is the duty of those in power. And we demand that this should be implemented as soon as possible.

6. It is the duty and responsibility of those in power in Harar to respect, uphold and practice the objectives of the Harari Regional State (HRS). The laws enshrined clearly in the constitution of the RSA have been altered, weakened or no more in practice rendering the whole concept of the regional state administration meaningless. The Ethiopian constitution guarantees that the languages of nations and nationalities should be a working language in their regions. The languages of all ethnic groups should be put to practice in all places including schools, government offices, courts, etc. but such is not the reality in Harar after three decades of “self-rule”. We demand from those in power to honor and respect the Harari culture and to allow the Harari language to develop, flourish and make it the official language of the region as it was originally intended but never put into practice.

7. Hararis in Harar have been intimidated by the security apparatus of the regional state and anyone who is opposed to the status-quo-ante is afraid of being behind bars. Hararis have become suspicious of one another and very guarded when they express their opinions. Free and democratic dialogue is the cornerstone of a free and democratic society. Absent that, the system degenerates into a dictatorship. After three decades of a rule by the same group of people, Hararis have given all hopes of seeing a better day coming. Those in power should allow ideas to flourish and be open to all opinions from different groups to sustain a healthy society.

8. There is no notable and productive economic activity in Harar as we see it now. The government should be able to come up with novel economic development ideas to kick start viable and practical solutions to gainfully employ the youth and make them a proud citizen. Those in power should invite prospective investors from all over to see the unique potential Harar has to offer and make it prosperous for its citizens.

9. History is a testament that thousands of ethnic groups in the world have disappeared from existence from time to time. Right now, the way we Hararis are conducting our business leads us directly to our ultimate demise. Hararis in Harar are calling for help to mitigate this reality and all Hararis should heed the call. It is incumbent upon all Hararis to fight this existential threat and work in unity for a better future.

10.Throughout history, the youth have shouldered to carry the ills of society on their shoulder and were in the vanguard to change the sad reality of their society. HAJE is aware and confident that Harari youth are ready to carry the torch for a society that we all dream to have. When the rate of unemployment hits that high in Harar, it is unthinkable to entertain any development to come of that. Such is the reality in Harar now that even Harari college graduates find it hard to find meaningful employment. Therefore, we call on all Hararis as well as those in power to be a part of Harar’s economic development to gainfully employ the youth. Hararis who live in and outside of Ethiopia should be ready to answer this call for the sake of our brothers and sisters as well as our Motherland.

The Harari Alliance for Justice and Equality