Press Release

COVID-19 HAJE Press Release

From Harari Alliance for Justice and Equality (H.A.J.E)

H.A.J.E’s Press Release
April 8, 2020

The Corona virus pandemic that is gripping the world is causing an unimaginable damage all over the world. The latest figure shows a million and half people have been infected by the virus and more than eighty thousand people have already lost their lives worldwide. So far, the damage this virus is causing elsewhere has not affected the African continent as strongly as other severely affected regions, but experts are cautioning that it is at its earliest stage and the effects might be as devastating as any other places.

In Ethiopia, the latest official number of infected people are fifty-five with two fatalities. Ethiopia has just declared a state of emergency to combat the spread of the virus and we urge the government to take all the necessary steps to be ahead of the pandemic. People in Ethiopia are deservedly worried about the virus as people everywhere because of the harm it is causing in lives and livelihood.

In most of the world, people are officially quarantined, and millions of people have lost their jobs because businesses were shattered and there is no certainty when life will go back to normal. Experts are predicting that it would take months to return to normal post pandemic because of the damage that was already done. Industrialized countries with all the resources at their disposal are being challenged by the damage the pandemic is causing and it is not difficult to imagine how problematic it is going to be for nations like Ethiopia to deal with the carnage.

As part and parcel of the Ethiopian nation, the Harari region will no doubt face similar challenges like all others in the country. Some efforts have already been undertaken to mobilize all the resources to combat the effects of the virus and to help the people withstand the challenges ahead. Concerned citizens and health care professionals from different ethnic backgrounds have met virtually and conducted discussions on effective means of facing this challenge and a plan of action has already been devised.

HAJE gathered its members to discuss means of making a meaningful contribution towards this effort and have decided to coordinate with other organizations to facilitate the help that the region needs badly. In the coming weeks HAJE will conduct a meeting with other philanthropic organizations in and outside of Ethiopia to discuss the best solutions to face the challenges ahead.

In this regard, HAJE is calling all Hararis and other ethnic groups to contribute in any form they can to alleviate the problems the pandemic has so far caused and bring back life to normal. HAJE will also strongly advise that everyone should take precaution against this pandemic and look after themselves and extend their assistance to others in need.

Inshallah, we shall prevail against this challenge and we hope better time are ahead of us.

H.A.J.E executive committee