
19 man-made non-organic Coronas

Depriving equity, equality and humanity
By Professor Abdi Khalil
Man-made coronas have attacked all organs of humanity

It is a turbulent time with COVID19 storm. COVID19 has steered the world to a turning point in human history. It is an inflection point to structurally adjust human systems of governance (i.e., capitalism, communism and many more -isms) that are responsible for the vast human sufferings and natural resources destructions, as well as, to spiritual deteriorations around the globe. Like most, I am staying home abiding to health professional advices and health measures declared. But, this unprecedented human tragedy has also made me to reflect more, and examine human characteristics and its governance systems that brought us to global crisis. Re-examining the inhumane attitudes! Why a turbulent time? What brought us to this end? What are the ills around the globe? Have we abused our “Wills”? Have we become Pharaoh’s progenies? Is it not time to be socially minded, and have a new normal? As the world yearns for equality, equity, justice and peace, is it not time to transform ourselves and turn to humanity? Read More


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